Wednesday, 29 October 2008


I finally made the leap and signed up. 44 "friends" already!!

Seems to be quite good fun, not sure where people find the time though...

In case you didn't know, it's at What next? mySpace and Bebo??

Gutted - again....

Zoe left Blue Peter. OK, it happened a while ago, but I'm still in shock...!!

Friday, 8 February 2008


Anyone need anything?

Anyone want to raise some cash for a little known charity instead of all the big guns for a change?

Take a peek at this link:

It's all technical wizardry, but somehow or other the shops know who's buying what and what charity they support and a little bit of cash goes to the charity instead of their profits.

It's a win win for everyone really!

For more information on "Scleroderma" and the Scleroderma Society check out this link: